Head of Advanced Materials Laboratory at Center for Development of Advance Science and Technology (CDAST)
Phone: +62 331 410 243 ext 118
Email: salahuddin.teknik@unej.ac.id
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- S.T. (Mechanical Engineering – 2001), ITS, Surabaya – Indonesia
- M.T. (Metallurgy Engineering – 2006), University of Indonesia, Jakarta – Indonesia
- Dr. (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering – 2015), University of Indonesia, Jakarta – Indonesia
Memberships and Affiliations:
- Masyarakat Nano Indonesia
Academic and Industrial Experience:
- 2006 – 2010 : Associate Lecturer, University of Jember, Indonesia
- 2010 – 2016 : Lecturer, University of Jember, Indonesia
- 2016 – present: Senior Lecturer, University of Jember, Indonesia
Project Experience:
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, ”Pengaruh Magnesium Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit Matrik Logam AL/AL2O3 Hasil Proses PRIMEX”, Hibah Pasca DIKTI, 2004.
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Pengaruh Temperatur dan Prosentase dan Prosentase Magnesium Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit Matrik Logam AL/AL2O3 . Hasil Infiltrasi Tanpa Tekanan”, Hibah Pasca DIKTI, 2004.
- S. Junus, “Pembuatan Komposit Logam Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Untuk Industri Otomotif”, DIPA Dosen Muda.
- Sumarji, S. Junus, “Analisa Fraksi Berat Filler Dan Variasi Ukuran Serta Penambahan Coupling Agent PP-g-MA (3%wt) Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit POLIPROPILENA – Serat Sabut Kelapa”. DIPA Hibah Bersaing 2009
- S. Junus, Y. Hemawan, “Pembuatan Brake Rotor Berbahan Komposit Logam AL/AL2O3” DIPA Hibah Bersaing 2010
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Pengembangan Tabung Luar Roket Balistik Berbahan Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Partikel Keramik Al2O3”, Insentif Riset SINas, 2012
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Pengembangan Tabung Luar Roket Balistik Berbahan Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Partikel Keramik Al2O3 (Lanjutan-Tahun ke dua)” Insentif Riset SINas, 2013
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Pengembangan Tabung Luar Roket Balistik Berbahan Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Partikel Keramik Al2O3 (Lanjutan-Tahun ke ketiga)”. Insentif Riset SINas, 2014
- A. Zulfia, Junus, “Pengembangan Moda Transportasi Massal Kereta Api Nasional Berbasis Komposit Aluminium”. (PENPRINAS MP3EI 2011-2025)-DIKTI, 2014
- A. Zulfia, Junus, “Pengembangan Moda Transportasi Massal Kereta Api Nasional Berbasis Komposit Aluminium (Lanjutan Tahun kedua)”. (PENPRINAS MP3EI 2011-2025)-DIKTI, 2015
- A. Zulfia, Junus, ” Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Alumina Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Tabung Luar Roket Balistik Yang Ringan”. PUPT Universitas Indonesia, 2015
- S. Junus, I. Solahuddin, ” Pengembangan Komposit Aluminium Berbasis Partikel Nano Al2O3”. Hibah Fundalmental, 2016
- S. Junus, I. Solahuddin, ” Pengembangan Komposit Aluminium Berbasis Partikel Nano Al2O3”. Hibah Fundalmental lanjutan, 2017
- F.R. Hentihu, S. Junus, ” Produk Serbuk Partikel Nano Al2O3 Sebagai Bahan Baku Pengembangan Material Maju”. CPPBT. 2018
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Nano Keramik Sebagai Bahan Alternative Komponen Transportasi Kereta Api”. PTUPT. 2018
- S. Junus, R.K.K. Wibowo. ” Pengembangan Sel Surya (DSSC) Berbasis Nano-ZnO Sebagai Alat Manipulasi Cahaya Untuk Pola Cocok Tanam Hidroponik” PDUPT, 2018
- A. Zulfia, S. Junus, “Komposit Aluminium Berpenguat Nano Keramik Sebagai Bahan Alternative Komponen Transportasi Kereta Api”. PTUPT-Lanjutan. 2019
- S. Junus, R..K.K. Wibowo, ” Pengembangan Sel Surya (DSSC) Berbasis Nano-ZnO Sebagai Alat Manipulasi Cahaya Untuk Pola Cocok Tanam Hidroponik” PDUPT-Lanjutan, 2019
Teaching Areas:
- Polymers
- Composite and Ceramics
- Engineering Materials
- Corrosion
- Casting and Heat Treatment
- Materials Characterization
- Nano Materials
Research Areas:
- Materials Science: Composites, Ceramics, Nano Technology, Advanced Materials
International Journal:
- Junus, A. Zulfia, E. Tanoto, L. Mariani, 2013. “The Influence Of Various Percentage Of Al2O3 By Using Vortex Method To Tensile Strength And The Distribution Of Al2O3p Composite”. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 789 (2013) pp 8-11
- Junus, A. Zulfia, L. Mariani, 2015. “Effect of Magnesium On Hardness And Microstructure Of Metal Matrix Composite Al.6061/(Al2O3)p Produced by Stir Casting Route”. Advanced Materials Research. Vol 1112 (2015) pp 381-384
- Junus, 2015. “Optimization of Mechanical Stirring For Making Metal Matrix Composites”. Advanced Materials Research,
- Zulfia, S. Junus, H.E., Ahmad, 2015. “Characterization of Al-Si-Mg/ Al2O3 Nano Composite Produced by Stir Casting Method”. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 827 (2015) pp 294-299
- S. Junus, A. Zulfia, 2016. ”Development of Seamless Pipe Based on Al/Al2O3 Composite Produced by Stir Casting and Centrifugal Casting”. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 857 (2016), pp 179-182
- S Junus, R Sidartawan, D Riyanto, 2019. “Influence of Magnesium on Hardness and Microstructure of ADC 12 Alloy Produced by Gravity Casting Method”. Materials Science Forum 951, 101-105. https://www.scientific.net/MSF.951.101
- Sumarji, S Junus, R R Sakura, M Asrofi, A Wafi, 2020.“The effect of Sic and addition Mg volume fraction on characteristics Al6061-Sic composite“. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(4), 1247-1250. http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/apr2020/The-Effect-Of-Sic-And-Addition-Mg-Volume-Fraction-On-Characteristics-Al6061-sic-Composite.pdf
- S Pambudi, N Ilminnafik, S Junus, MN Kustanto, 2021. “Experimental study on the effect of nano additives γAl2O3 and equivalence ratio to bunsen flame characteristic of biodiesel from nyamplung (calophyllum inophyllum)”. Automotive Experiences 4 (2), 51-61. https://journal.unimma.ac.id/index.php/AutomotiveExperiences/article/view/4569
- RZK Nisak, N Ilminnafik, S Junus. 2021. “Performance and Emissions of Mixed Ethanol-Biodiesel Calophyllum Inophyllum Fueled Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 9 (8). online at http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter16982021.pdf
https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter/2021/16982021 - F Ridha, S Junus, M Darsin, 2021. “Synthesis of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticle using Non-Transferred DC Thermal Plasma Method: A Morphology Review”. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 9 (7). Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter23972021.pdf
https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter/2021/23972021 - A Triono, A Fitoyo, S Junus, 2021. “Design analysis of vibrational input to torque energy system”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1858 (1), 012041
S Junus, F Ridha, R K K. Wibowo. and A B Cahyono, 2021. “THE EFFECT OF PRODUCTION PARAMETERS ON DC THERMAL PLASMA NANOMATERIAL SYNTHESIS”. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 16(13), 1359-1363 http://www.arpnjournals.org/jeas/research_papers/rp_2021/jeas_0721_8624.pdf
- S Junus, P EkaIndradiant, G Jatisukamto, Welayaturromadhona and A Fitoyo, “ANALYSIS OF STRONTIUM ADDITION ON AL-SI-MG ALUMINUM ALLOYS” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 16(9), 918-922. http://www.arpnjournals.org/jeas/research_papers/rp_2021/jeas_0521_8571.pdf
- MB Ramadhani, M Darsin, RDH Qoryah, HA Basuki, S Junus, Y. Hermawan, 2022. “Optimizing the Surface Roughness AISI 4340 Steel on Turning Process under Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL)”. Materials Science Forum 1057, 167-175.
National Journal:
- S. Junus, 2007. ”Pengaruh Waktu Tahan Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit Matrik Logam Berbasis Almunium (AL/AL2O3) Dengan Proses PRIMEX’’. Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi FT-Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember, ISSN: 1858-0092
- S. Junus, 2005. ” Pengaruh Temperatur dan Prosentase Magnesium Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit Matrik Logam AL/AL2O3 . Hasil Infiltrasi Tanpa Tekanan». Jurnal Teknologi, FT-UI. ISSN : 0215-1685
- S. Junus, 2007. “Pengaruh Konsentrasi inhibitor natrium Kromat pada Media H2SO4 Terhadap Laju Korosi Baja NS 1045”. Jurnal Rekayasa, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1858-0092
- S. Junus, 2008. “Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Sabut Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Biokomposit Untuk Bahan Pengganti Logam”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2010. “Pengaruh Temperatur dan Variasi Waktu Tahan Karburising Terhadap Kekerasan Permukaan Baja Karbon Rendah S30C”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2010. “Analisa Sifat Mekanik dan Struktur Mikro Paduan Almunium 5083 Akibat Pengelasan Metal Inert Gas (MIG) dengan Variasi Preheat dan Postheat”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2010. “Analisa Sifat Mekanik dan Struktur Mikro Paduan Almunium 5083 Akibat Pengelasan Metal Inert Gas (MIG) dengan Variasi Preheat dan Postheat”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2011. “Pengaruh Besar Aliran Gas Terhadap Cacat Porositas Dan Struktur Mikro Hasil Pengelasan MIG Pada Paduan Almunium 5083”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2011. “Karakteristik Phisik Dan Struktur Mikro Komposit Logam Almunium-Grafit Hasil Metalurgi Serbuk”. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- S. Junus, 2013. “The Influence of Various Percentage Of Al2O3 by Using Vortex Method to Tensile Strength and The Distribution of Al2O3p Composite. Jurnal Rotor, FT-Unej, ISSN : 1979-018X
- HA Rochman, AG Dirgantara, I Sholahuddin, S Junus, AZ Muttaqin, 2017. “Pengaruh Laju Prekursor Serbuk Aluminium Terhadap Bentuk Morfologi Nanopartikel Alumina Dengan Metode Thermal Plasma”. Jurnal ROTOR, 10 (1), 17-19
- M Mahardika, M Asrofi, A Priyanto, Y Hermawan, S Junus, S Mulyadi, Sujito , D Amelia, 2021. “Aplikasi Serat Alam Muntingia calabura sebagai Pengisi dalam Biokomposit Bermatriks Polivinil Alkohol (PVA): Karakteristik Sifat Kuat Tarik dan Permukaan Patahan”. Agroteknika 4 (1), 43-52. http://agroteknika.id/index.php/agtk/article/view/103
International Conference:
- Effect of Temperature and Mg on characterisation of AL/AL2O3 Metal Matrix Composites Production by Pressureless Infiltration. The 8th International Conference on Quality in Research(QIR), 2005, pp.MM9-01
- The Influence of The Vortex Method to The Distribution of Al2O3p Composite, The 13th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2013
- Optimization of Mechanical Stirring For Making Metal Matrix Composites, The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Material and Practical Nanotechnology (ICAMPN)-2014, Bali Indonesia
- Characterization of Al-Si-Mg/Al2O3 Nano Composite Produced by Stir Casting Method, International Conference on Functional Materials Science 2014 (ICFMS 2014) Jakarta, Indonesia
- Development of Seamless Pipe Based On Al/Al2O3 Composite Produced By Stir Casting And Centrifugal Casting, International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology
- The Influence of Mechanical Stirring on Aluminum Composites, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (The 6th ICMNS), November 2-3rd, 2016, Bandung
- Influence Of Magnesium On Hardness And Microstructure Of ADC 12 Alloy Produced by Gravity Casting Method, 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials (ICFCM2018), Sydney, Australia during November 16-18, 2018
National Conferences:
- Pengaruh Mg Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit Matrik Logam AL/AL2O3 Hasil Proses Infiltrasi Tanpa Tekanan (PRIMEX). Proceeding Teknologi Material dan Aplikasinya dalam Industri. Proceeding Teknologi Material dan Aplikasinya dalam Industri. ISBN 979-96609-1-2, EMINEX-2004
- Pembuatan Al/Al2O3 komposit logam, Paten sederna, No P 00200900735
- Reaktor Mesin Thermal DC Plasma, 2017, Paten sederhana, No P00201708805
- Serbuk Nanopartikel Alumina Dengan Metode DC Thermal Plasma, 2018, Paten sederhana.
- S. Junus, “Komposit”, Jember University Press, ISBN: 979-8176-80-4, tahun 2010